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2024 Military Long Drive Qualifier

Note: This event has already passed.

Location: Stryker Golf Course

Don't miss your chance to compete in the 2024 Military Long Drive Championship! The winner from this qualifying one-day event will move on to Fort Jackson where they will compete against the winners from 11 other installations in the Military Long Drive Championship, a televised Long Drive event.

Eligibility: Open to all Active-Duty Service Members (All Branches), Retired, Reserve and National/Coast Guard members as well as Service-Related Disabled Veterans at least 18 years old with valid ID.

Entry Fee: $25 per attempt (eight balls). Contestants may compete more than once pending time availability.


  • Active-Duty participants that compete in qualifying and championship events must do so on their personal time.
  • The $25 entry fee purchases one attempt of eight drives. Participants may purchase additional attempts until the event closes.
  • Each entrant will complete the eight drives back-to-back.
  • Participants will use only USGA-approved drivers (maximum 48 inches long) during the event.
  • All drives coming to rest within the grid will be recorded on the scoresheet. Drives exiting the grid will be graded at zero yardage.
  • The longest drive recorded for the day is the winner of the qualifying round. A three-attempt tie breaker will determine the winner in case of a tie.
  • Active-Duty participants must take regular leave to attend the championship event at Fort Jackson.


  • 1st Place: $500 Pro Shop gift certificate + expense-paid trip to compete at the 2024 Military Long Drive Championship, held (date TBD) at Fort Jackson, SC
    • Travel and lodging coordinated and provided by Golf Channel
  • 2nd Place: $200 Golf Pro Shop Gift Certificate
  • 3rd Place: $100 Golf Pro Shop Gift Certificate

For more information, contact Stryker Golf Course at +1 (910)396-3980

Fort Bragg Golf