An official army family and MWR Site

Contact Us

About Family and MWR

Family and MWR is a network of support and leisure services designed to serve the needs, interests and responsibilities of each individual in the Army community, as well as enhance the quality of their lives. From family, child and youth programs to recreation, sports, entertainment, travel and leisure activities -- Family and MWR employees worldwide strive to deliver the highest quality programs and services at each installation. Family and MWR helps ensure Army readiness by caring for the people who serve and stand ready to defend the nation.


Visit the Directory to find contact information for all the facilities and programs that reside under Family & MWR on our installation.

Looking to buy tickets to shows, events or destinations? Visit Leisure Travel Services.

Looking to rent outdoor equipment? Visit Recreational Equipment Checkout Center.

Commercial Sponsorship & Advertising

For more information on Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities, visit our Sponsorship & Advertising page.

Marketing Office

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri, 8 am - 5 pm

Location: Bldg. 4-T-1367 Rock Merritt Ave.
Fort Bragg, NC 28310 Google Map

Non-Federal Entities & Fundraising

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri, 7:30 am - 4:00 pm

Location: MWR Headquarters
Bldg. 4-1469 Rock Merritt Ave.
Fort Bragg, NC 28310

Phone: +1 (910)396-9004 or +1 (910)396-2296
DSN: (312)236-9004 or (312)236-2296

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As defined by AR 210-22 and DoDI 1000.15, a Non-Federal Entity (NFE) is a self-sustaining, non-federal entity constituted or established and operated by individuals acting outside any official capacity as officers, employee, or agents of the Federal Government or its instrumentalities. It may be incorporated or unincorporated. It may operate on or off DA installations; however, to operate on this installation, the NFE must have the written consent of the Installation Commander.

At this installation, the Installation Commander has delegated the DFMWR, Financial Management Branch (FMB) the authority to approve the operation of private organizations and to monitor their activities on post. The DFMWR, FMD is tasked with monitoring and validating all NFEs and ensuring compliance with appropriate regulations.

NFE statues will NOT be granted based solely on fundraising opportunities and facility usage. NFEs must be active within the post community, operate in the best interest of this installation and the Army and show a tangible contribution to this community. 

NFEs are NOT NAFIs, NFEs are not entitled to Army endorsement by virtue or their contributions. No official relationship between NFE activities and official duties. Neither the Federal Government nor it’s NAFIs have a vested interested in the assets of the NFE.

Unit Funds

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri, 8 am - 5 pm

Location: MWR Headquarters
Bldg. 4-1469 Rock Merritt Ave.
Fort Bragg, NC 28310

Phone: +1 (910)396-9004
DSN: (312)236-9004

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Unit Funds Facts

NAF unit fund dividends are assigned to this installation's troops based upon unit strength.


This program is only for this installation's DFMWR NAF unit fund dividends issued at the beginning of each fiscal year, based upon actual unit strength reported.

  • Dividends are $3 per Soldier per year.

For collective benefit of this installation's assigned troops. 

  • All members must have the opportunity to participate.
Gifts & Donations

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri, 8 am - 5 pm

Location: MWR Headquarters
Bldg. 4-1469 Rock Merritt Ave.
Fort Bragg, NC 28310

Phone: +1 (910)907-4566

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On behalf of the Soldiers and Families at this installation, the Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (FMWR) Directorate sincerely appreciates the phenomenal outpouring of community support over the years, and particularly so since 9/11 and the military’s full engagement in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT).

Literally, on a daily basis, we are asked:

  • “How can we give?”
  • “Who can we give to?”
  • “If we want to send items to the troops, how can that be done?”

Giving to Soldiers and their Families is easy.  And as a company, organization, or as an individual, you have many options.  We want to emphasize that whatever option you chose, we will help facilitate the process,  but ultimately it is entirely your choice.

You may give a “gift” (or donation) to the Army in several ways.  Or you can participate in the Army’s and this installation's Family & MWR Sponsorship Program and receive recognition for your support.

Here are some of the basics

Commercial Sponsorship

You, your company, or organization can support Soldiers and Families directly by providing monetary or in-kind support for events, services, or programs offered by Family & MWR at this installation, and through Sponsorship, you may receive recognition in return.  It’s important to note that the Department of Defense allows only it’s Family and MWR programs to solicit and accept Commercial Sponsorship.

There are many Family & MWR programs and events to choose from. For example, funding would be welcomed for Family & MWR hosted free events for the Families of Soldiers at this installation through our annual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony, and Fourth of July Celebration, just to name a few.  Also, funding and in-kind support could be offered through Commercial Sponsorship to help Family & MWR lower cost of admission for events like our fairs, festivals and concerts.

The major differences between Sponsorship and a Donation are:

  • Sponsorship: A business, organization, or individuals  who provide direct support for Family & MWR events/programs can receive recognition and conduct on-site advertising during the sponsored event or program.
  • Donation: Donors may not be officially recognized through the media or publicity events.  A donation must be anonymous and offered unconditionally.  The Department of the Army is prohibited from making public announcement of the gifts received (Army Regulation 1-101 para 7 (4) and (5).
  • Sponsorship: A sponsor may choose any Family & MWR program they wish to support.  The sponsor chooses which program to support with the stipulation that only MWR programs as defined in Army Regulation (AR) 215-1 may solicit and accept sponsorship.
  • Donation: The installation Commander, not the donor, decides which program receives the gifts, AR 1-101 para 7 b)

If you, your business, or organization would like to invest in the Army Family & MWR Sponsorship Program, please contact us.


All offers of gifts or donations must be made in writing.  This is so they may receive the appropriate (required!) legal review, and a written approval of acceptance.

There are five basic types of gifts or donation offers the Army is most often asked about.  They are:

  1. Gifts or donations to Army Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (FMWR) Programs.  The Garrison Commander or the garrison FMWR Director may accept unconditional gifts of any amount up to $50,000.  The authority may not be further delegated.  Garrison Commanders can accept up to $100,000.  IMCOM Region Directors, the Commanding General, Deputy Commanding General or the FMWR Commander may accept gifts of up to $250,000.  Any gifts over that amount require the Secretary of the Army’s approval.
  2. Gifts or donations for select Army Community Services Family Programs, Family Readiness Groups, or the Soldier and Family Assistance Center. Subject to the same guidelines as FMWR programs listed above.
    • The FRG Supplemental Mission Account – Established to accept unsolicited donations or gifts made to the Army and intended for FRG or military family support.
    • ACS’s Supplemental Mission Overall Program account.  Established to accept unsolicited donations or gifts intended for ACS programs.  Another ACS Supplemental Mission Account for AFAP, AFTB, and IVS also exists; however, an exception to ACS policy for obtaining commercial sponsorship was made for these programs exclusively.  Companies may now sponsor these programs and obtain advertising in exchange for their support.
  3. Gifts or donations intended for direct distribution to soldiers.
    • Limited to good and services, i.e. Soldier comfort kits or items, phone cards, food (preferable non-perishable, holiday packages, and electronic devices.
    • No dollar limit is placed on these sorts of goods offered.
    • Cash to Soldiers is not authorized.
    • Donor is usually required to pay transportation costs for goods offered.
    • The senior mission commander and Garrison Commander have been delegated the authority to accept this category of gift.
  4. Gifts or donations offered to SFAC, which in turn supports Wounded Warriors or their Families
    • Applies to active duty service members and DoD employees who incurred illnesses/injuries as a result of armed conflict or other circumstance while on active duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001, and their Families.
    • Wounded Warriors and Families may not solicit donations.
    • Wounded Warriors and Families offered unsolicited donations/gifts should talk with an Ethics Counselor to ensure that it is authorized.
  5. Gifts or donations offered directly to the Department of the Army.  Established so that the Secretary of the Army can accept gift offers over $1K and for gifts to the Fisher Houses.  This includes real or personal property, or gifts with monetary value. Subject to AR 1-100.

The FMWR Directorate is committed to facilitate the gift giving process, or if you chose, Commercial Sponsorship of FMWR programs.  We will help steer you thru the process, and while giving is not difficult, there are certain parameters that have to be followed; such as the requirement for a written offer of donation, acceptance of the offer, and where appropriate legal review. Thank you for your interest in supporting Soldiers and Families.

Supporting Resources