Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM)

Volunteering, BOSS, and the MOVSM
We are often asked about the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM) and how BOSS helps you get it. We want to dispel some of the smoke on the subject and give you the facts, as well as providing you the opportunity.
Why do I want the MOVSM?
The MOVSM is worth 10 promotion points (It used to be 15 points as established by the Milper Message mentioned below, but with the change in the Promotion Point System, it became 10 points), looks great for going to the board, and looks sharp on your ASUs. It is an award that you don’t see as often on other Soldiers, and thus you stand out, make an impression, and set yourself apart from your peers as a rounded Citizen-Soldier.
Can I get approved for the MOSVM through the Fort Liberty BOSS Program?
Yes! Soldiers who volunteer with BOSS can get approved through the Fort Bragg BOSS Program through the Garrison Command at 150 hours! Keep in mind that this is Fort Bragg Garrison Command’s standard and not the standard for every Unit on Fort Bragg. Read below regarding hour requirements for other Units. Your 150 hours does not only need to be Volunteer Hours logged with the BOSS Program, but it does need to be meticulously logged and tracked to ensure that it gets signed. Get in contact with us if you have any questions!
What is the guidance for awarding an MOVSM promotion points?
Reference Milper Message Number 09-165. "Effective immediately, soldiers who achieved the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service medal (MOVSM) will be awarded 15 promotion points in the Awards and Decorations category. In order to receive the proper credit, Soldiers will need to verify that the award is listed on page one of the 3355 along with 15 award points, save and initial the 3355."
What do you have to do to be awarded the MOVSM?
According to AR 600-8-22 Chapter 2, Section 23, the MOVSM is awarded for “outstanding volunteer community service of a sustained, direct, and consequential nature.” Basically, you need to volunteer early and often. Being a regular volunteer is what helps make the MOVSM go through, which means not just volunteering with BOSS, but volunteering wherever you can to help make a difference.
How many hours do I have to volunteer to qualify?
There is no specific period of time you must volunteer to qualify for the MOVSM, and the decision to award it comes from your Chain of Command’s discretion on whether your sustained volunteering has merited the special recognition awarded by this medal. It is important to remember, though, that individual Units, Battalions, and Brigades often have their own memorandum stating that they require their soldiers to have a set amount of hours before it can be signed off on. Make sure to ask your Chain of Command on Battalion or Brigade standards, but don’t let them tell you the Regulations require a specific amount of time. (Reference AR 600-8-22 Chapter 2, Section 23) It cannot be awarded for a single event and it is awarded for volunteering regularly and showing support for your community, both civilian and military.
What does BOSS do to help me achieve my MOVSM?
One of the Three Pillars on which BOSS is based is Volunteer service. We volunteer regularly around Fort Bragg and the surrounding area, offer the means to log your hours through Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) and can get BOSS Soldiers approved for an MOVSM through the Garrison Command at 150 hours! It is important to remember that we are helping you get your foot in the door to volunteering, and can help connect you to even more volunteer opportunities on post, but we should not be your only volunteering if you wish to work towards the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.